The Conversation of a Lifetime, Online with StoryCorps Connect - StoryCorps

The Conversation of a Lifetime, Online with StoryCorps Connect

Connect with an older adult virtually, and have the conversation of a lifetime with StoryCorps Connect. Anyone can conduct an interview, and every interview will be archived at the Library of Congress, becoming part of American history.

What is StoryCorps Connect?

Developed in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, StoryCorps Connect is a first-of-its kind platform that enables you to record a StoryCorps interview with a loved one remotely using video conference technology. The audio and a still photo from each interview goes into our archive at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Your interview becomes part of American history, and hundreds of years from now, future generations will listen in. We think of StoryCorps as an ever-growing archive of the wisdom of humanity.


Using StoryCorps Connect, in Eight Steps

1. Pick someone you want to honor with an interview and invite them to participate.

2. Prepare for your interview using our Great Questions list. A standard StoryCorps interview is 40 minutes long, although your interview can be shorter. Most participants have time to ask 6-8 questions over the course of an interview.

3. Log in. Make sure both you and your partner are logged in to StoryCorps.

4. Visit the StoryCorps Connect recording page. Once you are there, send the provided interview link to your partner.

5. Start recording, and ask important questions. Click “Start Audio Recording”. Don’t forget to use our Great Questions.

6. End your interview. Click “Stop Recording,” and then, “Save Interview”.

7. Add a title and keywords to your interview if you are the organizer of the interview. If you are the invitee, you won’t need to do anything!

8. Share and archive your interview. If you are the organizer of the interview, you’ll be prompted to select your privacy settings. Note: it might take up to 30 minutes for you to access to your interview while it is being processed.

A Note About Privacy and Our Terms of Use

StoryCorps cares about your privacy. You have control over how you want to share your story, and who to share it with.

Also, please note that children under the age of 13 may not register for a StoryCorps Archive or App account or record an interview. For more information, you can review our full Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.

Useful Guides for Getting Started

For troubleshooting and more detailed how-tos, please visit our Help Center.



Stories to Inspire your Conversation

Leading the Way

John Washington, 95, was born blind and with a severe loss of hearing. He sat down with his eldest child for a conversation about the pride he takes in his kids and to laugh over some of their childhood hijinks.
Read the full transcript here.

New Tracks

Sometimes it takes a great love to make you feel like you belong. Lyle Link wasn’t cut out for farming, but in his marriage to a fellow adventurer he found his purpose.
Read the full transcript here.


A Life Worth Living

MJ Seide talks with her granddaughter, Genna, about being a gay grandmother, meeting her partner, and falling in love.
Read the full transcript here.

Silvia’s Legacy

Ellaraino remembers revelations discovered during a summer spent in Louisiana with her great-grandmother, Silvia.
Read the full transcript here.

Partners and Supporters


StoryCorps is made possible in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
a private corporation funded by the American people.