First Lieutenant Thomas Nelson and his wife, Lauren, talk about their first year of marriage.
Originally aired April 28, 2006 on NPR’s Morning Edition.
First Lieutenant Thomas Nelson and his wife, Lauren, talk about their first year of marriage.
Originally aired April 28, 2006 on NPR’s Morning Edition.
LN: My name is Lauren Elizabeth Nelson, I’m 24 years old.
TN: My name is uh, Tom Nelson, I’m 23. I’m an infantry officer in the army, in the 82nd airborne.
LN: What do you think the happiest moment in your life has been?
TN: I think our wedding was. It just was such a beautiful day and it was such a great time.
LN: We had a military wedding and, God he looked so handsome in his blues.
TN: I was wearing the military dress blues.
LN: And all of our military friends they had a saber arch with the swords that you walk underneath after you say your vows and you’re officially married and the guys slapped me on the butt with the swords and say Welcome to the army, Ma’am. We’ve been married for how long 9 months. What do you think the hardest things been so far?
TN: The hardest thing is definitely never being able to have any kind of consistent time together cause. Well since we were married we went on a honeymoon and it was great for you know the week, 5 days, and then I was going to Afghanistan for 4 months.
LN: When were you the most afraid while you were gone?
TN: When I couldn’t tell you what I was doing and we were going on missions and sometimes I just have to say hey, I’m gonna be gone for a couple days, I can’t call you. When in truth I was going you know, into this mission that there was good chance we were gonna get into firefights and good chance that were gonna find enemy and possibly get shot or killed and all I could say to you is, I can’t talk to you for 2 days. You know, that always uncertainty of am I coming back, is he coming back
LN: Are things gonna be the same when you come back. They definitely haven’t been the same.
TN: And they weren’t. It was a struggle at first but I think now were getting back to the good place where we were at before.
LN: I think were in a different place but I think it’s better.
TN: You know, when people thank the military soldiers they should also thank the wives. And the family. Because they’ve put their lives on hold to support the husband who gets deployed for 3 out of 5 years and that needs to be taken into consideration too.
LN: I agree. I guess, um, the one thing I would like to add is I told you this in the car right before you went to Afghanistan and, um, I told you that if you didn’t come home that you’ve always been the best man that I’ve ever know and I was so happy that we decided to get married and I’m still really happy that we did even though sometimes I definitely have a lot of doubts about this life and this lifestyle and I know it’s not forever, the military, but I’m very proud to be with you and I just love you a lot.
TN: Thank you. I am too. I mean with you.
LN: Thank you for doing this.
TN: Thank you.
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