About Me:
I came to StoryCorps to grow as a person and gain a deeper understanding of the power of listening. In addition to ten years in the hospitality and service industries, I’m also a life coach, podcaster, and life-long learner. My mission is to leave behind a legacy of kindness and inspiration.
During my time as Site Manager, I visited twelve different Mobile Tour locations: Tulsa, OK; Springfield, MO; Missoula, MT; Moses Lake, WA; Boise, ID; Salt Lake City and Ogden, UT; San Antonio, El Paso, and Marfa, TX, as well as both Taos and Albuquerque, NM. A major highlight of my time as a StoryCorps spokesperson is when I did a live interview on El Paso’s ABC 7 affiliate, during our stop there this past January.
What is your role at StoryCorps and how long have you been with the organization?
I’m wrapping up my year–long role as Mobile Site Manager for the StoryCorps Mobile Tour.
What has this job entailed?
I acted as the bridge between the locations we visited and the StoryCorps staff on site. I facilitated many conversations (over 150), visited twelve Mobile Tour locations, maintained relationships with local radio stations, presented at opening day press events, hosted a number of listening events, and was generally responsible for the interview collection on the ground, among other things.
What were some of the rewards of this job?
I got to be at each stop on the Mobile Tour, engulfed in people’s stories, which I think is a privilege. We always say that the stories choose us and somehow we leave each location getting the stories we needed. I also loved being at listening events and seeing people’s reactions when their story was selected to air by the local radio station. A light bulb goes on and they realize that their story really matters.
I have gained so much emotional intelligence and leadership skills on the job too. My compassion for people has grown and I’ve stepped into elements of myself that I didn’t know existed.
What were some challenges of this job?
Maintaining a work/life balance on the road can be challenging and it’s hard to put up boundaries between work and your personal life. In a way, you start your life over every month, once you travel to a new location. But it’s also really helped me learn the importance of self-care.
Why do you think everyone should record a story with StoryCorps?
It’s an experience that’s indescribable, that you didn’t know you needed. It’s so special to capture a snapshot of who you were at that point in time and it ensures that your legacy goes on forever.
What is your favorite StoryCorps story?
This interview from Missoula is my favorite because it reminded me of the importance and value of friendship, laughter, and support.