Delaware Archives - StoryCorps

Ileana Smith and Gustavo Mestas

Gustavo Mestas talk with his daughter Ileana Smith about the decision he made to escape from Cuba with his family in 1963. A doctor in Cuba, Gustavo arrived in Florida not knowing if he would be able to practice medicine in the United States, but after working jobs picking tomatoes and cleaning motels while attending medical school in the evenings, he was eventually able to begin a practice.

Originally aired August 15, 2008, on NPR’s Morning Edition.

Tom Domingue and Dotty Domingue

Tom Domingue talks about growing up with polio and the different approaches to his condition taken by his mother and stepfather. While his mother doted over him, his stepfather had a tougher style.

Originally aired July 25, 2008, on NPR’s Morning Edition.